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Tuesday 15 September 2020

How To Grow A Meme Page On Instagram

  Propertrick       Tuesday 15 September 2020

In recent times, memes have become very popular across social media handles and Instagram is one of the best platforms where memes have a big market especially among Gen Zs. 

About 38% of Gen Z's follow a meme page and 75% within the age range of 13 to 37 years old share memes. 

Out of 1 billion Instagram users, many Instagram meme accounts have over a million followers so there is no doubt that if you have a dedicated meme account, you will attract a lot of followers and possibly generate substantial revenue. 

But as appealing as having a meme account is, it is a very competitive niche and it may be hard to grow your account if you are just getting started. 

In this post, we will be taking you through a few things to do to help you grow your meme page on Instagram. 

Use Hashtags 

Hashtags are indispensable when it comes to growing any type of page on Instagram, meme pages inclusive. 

Hashtags are similar to keywords that help content to rank on search engines, and likewise, hashtags will increase the visibility of your posts. 

Use hashtags that are relevant to your niche and ensure that you have great content. Good hashtags on low-quality content won't yield tangible results. There is no limit to how many hashtags you can use but to avoid giving your posts a spammy look, about 10 or 11 hashtags are enough. 

You can insert hashtags in the first comment of every post, this will give you the opportunity to use as many more hashtags as are necessary and increase the visibility of your posts even on the explore page. 

Buy Instagram Likes

Most people think buying Instagram likes is a dubious way of growing a page but that's not true. What's wrong and will definitely get you in trouble is buying bot likes. As far as the likes you are buying are organic, you have nothing to fear. 

Buying organic likes will increase the visibility of your posts. The Instagram algorithm gives priority to content with many likes. This is because it is believed that a high number of likes on a post is an indicator that the post is relevant to the target audience. These relevant posts are then made more visible to more users. 

As stated earlier, only genuine likes will help you achieve this, so ensure that you find a reputable company to buy your likes from. Only patronize companies that sell one hundred percent organic likes. A mixture of bots and organic likes can get you banned. 

Post Engaging Content that Encourages Tagging

One of the best ways to grow your following on Instagram is to create content that tempts your followers to tag their friends. 

An easy way to do this is to create content that your target audience can relate to. For instance, if a meme is about a regular occurrence that most people have experienced, when they come across your posts they can easily tag their friends to come and have a look. 

You can also prompt your followers to tag their friends by directly asking them to tag their friends by writing captions like "tag someone who you would love to do this with" or "tag anyone who is guilty of this". 

This is both fun and strategic because your followers get to tag their friends to take part in the fun and at the same time. This attracts a new set of followers to your page. Data shows that 74% of social media users share memes to make people laugh or smile so ensure that your memes are funny, this will increase the number of tags your posts receive. 

Post about Trending Topics

If you want your meme page to grow, you need to stay abreast of trends and this shouldn't just be restricted to industry trends. Avoid reposting old memes. 

You need to be active on all your social media handles to be able to know when there is a new trend. The bulk of most of the meme pages on Instagram usually repost content from other accounts, but if you can become one of the few pages that create new and trending memes, you will have many reposts. 

Ensure you add your watermark to every new meme you create, this will enable people to know who created the Meme and follow you for more new Memes. 

Connect with Other Meme Accounts 

Your meme page may not grow rapidly if you choose to be an island in the world of Instagram. 

Connecting and interacting with other accounts will give your page a boost in no small way. Following other meme creators on Instagram doesn't threaten your success because each creator is unique, but it will definitely expose you to a larger audience. 

If you come across a meme page you like, follow and comment on their posts, this will trigger them to follow you back and repost your memes and also expose you to their audience. 

Joining an Instagram engagement group is also a good way to increase interaction with other meme creators. These engagement groups aim at boosting the engagements on the posts of all their members by engaging with the content immediately it is posted. 

This gives the Instagram algorithm the impression that the post is highly relevant and increases the visibility of the post. If you can't find an engagement group to join, you can create one.


There you have it, 5 simple ways to grow your Instagram meme page. Remember that your meme needs to be relevant, relatable, and in most cases funny for you to get the desired results.

When you have the opportunity to interact with other meme creators, don't see it as a competition but rather as an opportunity to grow together. Do these 5 things in addition to creating quality content and you will record tremendous growth within a short time. 

Have you been able to successfully grow your Instagram meme page? Let's hear how you were able to achieve that. 



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