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Thursday 17 September 2020

How to Write a Critical Essay | Types, STeps and Format of a Critical Essay

  Propertrick       Thursday 17 September 2020

How to Write a Critical Essay: What Is A Critical Essay? A critical essay is evaluated or analyzed write up that explains about a particular piece of work. A critical essay helps the readers to give a closer view of a part of the creation of work. The writers write a critical essay for books, essays, articles, movies and artworks.

The critical essays help in making a clear judgment for the audiences regarding a particular artwork. Nowadays, critical essays are written only for movies and books. There are many people, who think before doing or judging anything. Suppose a person wants to watch a particular movie after looking at the cast of actors or by looking at the director's name but is unsure whether that movie is going to be worth watching it or not. In that case, that person should be reading critical essays regarding the overview of the movie to make his judgement clear.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more

Generally, it depends on the writer whose style of writing helps to reach his message to the readers.

It is expected by the critical essay writers to give an impartial review of the work and it should be neutral and informational for the readers so that they get an unbiased and clear review of the work. However, there are writers who write biased reviews about an artwork. It usually happens in the film industry, where the directors hire critical essay writers so that they can write a good review about their films. In some cases, they are also made in a promotional manner so that it urges the audience to go and watch the movies.

On the other hand, there are some people from the film industry who secretly hire critical writers and order them to write a very bad review of their contemporaries or rival director's movie.

There are critical essay writers who write book reviews. These reviews help to get an overall idea about the story of the book and its author.

The main motive of the critical essays is to provide information about a particular book or movie in an unbiased and informational manner to the readers so that it becomes easy for the people to decide on the work.

The critical essay writers should be having a unique style of writing so that the readers find it interesting to read it. Sometimes due to the writing skill of the writers captivate the readers so much that the readers look for that particular critic's essay.

Types Of Critical Essays

There are several types of critical essays, they are, biased critical essays, unbiased critical essays, paid critical essays and unpaid critical essays.

Biased Critical Essays: Biased critical essays are the ones that are written in a particular manner to favour the creator of the work asks them to review fairly. In some cases, the writer is asked to make the work on a promotional basis so that the  work is appreciated on a wider basis and on the other cases the writer is asked to make a  bad review about the work so that people do not appreciate that work and instead appreciate the other's work.

Unbiased Critical Essays: Unbiased essays are the ones that are informational critical essays. These writers do not write the essays to either to favour someone or to defame someone; they write it simply to provide information about the essay that they are writing. Unbiased essays are the most honest forms of critical essays as they provide with honest reviews. A person who does not know about any kind of artwork but wishes to know about it is required to read unbiased critical essays as there are genuine reviews given, that are information-based. These people would not understand if they give biased reviews. They would either get confused or develop a wrong idea about that work.

Paid Critical Essays: The writer gets paid for writing the reviews in the case of paid critical essays. It does not matter if the writer is writing biased reviews or unbiased reviews. Generally, the paid critical essays are written by the writers who write articles in newspapers. They are expected to make that essay captivating so that the readers take an interest in reading it. These writers are paid salaries as it is their work to write reviews.

Unpaid Critical Essays: The writer here writes critical essays to express his thoughts regarding the topic which he is reviewing and to show his writing skills. The writer does this work solely for himself or he expects to publish that critical essay to get a job as a paid writer. In some cases, there are people who have been having a successful career during their early ages and during their retirement, they write critical essays to review the films or any books. In these cases, the people have a passion of writing but could not get the opportunities to write during their prime years. Still, after being retired, these people fulfill their aspirations and write critical essays.

Steps Of Writing A Critical Essay

Before writing any kind of essay even if it is a critical essay, the writer should follow a certain pattern before he starts writing. He should make a list of the things that he wants to include in that essay to make it more interesting.

The steps of writing a critical essay are

  • Step 1 – Surveying On The Topic: Before writing an essay about any topic, it is essential to gather all the information about the subject. It is important to gather all the correct information if the writer is writing a critical essay. In critical essays, the writer needs to have all the correct information to avoid any kind of controversy.
  • Step 2 – Assembling The Points Gathered: It is important to arrange the points of the topic in the correct order after gathering all the information. The presentation of the points in an orderly manner makes the essay more interesting and fascinating. The assembling or correctly arranging the points leads to the thoughts of the writer to go to the right direction.
  • Step 3 – Writing The Essay On The Basis Of The Information Collected: The writer should write the critical essay after chalking out the required information for the topic. This portion is the central part while writing a critical essay. This part is based on the writer's skill as it is up to him how he will write the essay after doing all the required work before writing. The writer should present the essay in a properly arranged and crisp manner so that the report does not become monotonous.
  • Step 4 – Editing: The writer has to go through the whole essay after he finishes writing the essay. He should check whether he has provided any extra or unnecessary information regarding the topic. This part is also one of the most critical features for the writer after he finishes writing the essay. The writer can notice at all the errors that he made in his writing and this work should be done in an attentive manner so that the writer does not miss out on any important information and no unimportant information is included in the critical essay.
  • Step 5 – Submission Of The First Draft: If the writer is writing under a newspaper column, then he should send the first draft to his supervisor after he finished writing the essay. This step applies to the writers who are working under someone. If the first draft is approved by the supervisor, then the writer can publish the essay.
  • Step 6 – Final Draft Submission: If the supervisor of the writer has sent back his writing and sent him for some editing purpose then the writer has to do the required editing and submit the final draft.

Format Of The Critical Essay

Title of The Essay: The writer has to think about a suitable title for the essay before he can start writing. In some cases, the writer adds the title after he has finished writing the essay but usually it is advisable to think of the title of the essay before writing.

Arranging The Points Of The Essay: The writer should arrange the points of the essay in a proper manner so that the essay becomes interesting to read. For every essay, the writer should first arrange all the points.

Writing The Essay: The writer has to write a proper introduction, body and conclusion of the topic. These three points should be maintained to write an appropriate essay.

Presenting The Positive And Negative Points: In a critical essay, it is very essential to show both the good aspects and the bad points of the essay to make it informational unless it is a biased review. These points are important for supporting a critical essay.

Proving The Theme Of The Topic With Facts: The points or the information used in the topic should be factual not imaginary. A critical essay is based on facts. The origin of the information should be mentioned and it should be proved to be true.

After doing all these works, the writer should check the whole essay and then it can be submitted.

FAQ's On How to Write a Critical Essay

Question 1.
How to avoid controversy while writing a critical essay?

The writer should find the points of the topic from valid sources and verified sources to avoid any kind of controversy.

Question 2.
In which tone should the critical essay be written?

The essay should be written in a diplomatic tone. Both the positive points and the negative points should be presented with equal importance to keep it unbiased.

The post How to Write a Critical Essay | Types, STeps and Format of a Critical Essay appeared first on A Plus Topper.

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