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Wednesday 16 September 2020

How to Write an Expository Essay | Types and Writing Format of an Expository Essay

  Propertrick       Wednesday 16 September 2020

How to Write an Expository Essay: What Is An Expository Essay? Expository essay writing relates to the kind of writing that involves illuminating or "exposing" a particular subject from where the word "expository" has come.

This kind of writing does involve not only essays but also includes newspaper and magazine articles, textbooks, instruction manuals, encyclopedia articles and many such writing formats.

However, expository essay writing is quite different from that of writing poems, prose, or fiction. This kind of essay are often used as academic tools, if one has attended s, then he/ she must have written at least one expository essay.

Most expository essays consist of an introductory paragraph that includes a thesis or objective, which is followed by several main body paragraphs that explain more about the introduction and lastly, in conclusion, everything is summed up.

However, the following are some of the main features of an expository essay:

  • Description: one of the most common features of an expository essay is that it has vivid descriptions about the objective of the essay. It can include the descriptions of any character, place or event, as it seeks to stimulate the reader's senses.
  • Clarity: the writer should be cohesive and clear about the facts he is writing in the essay. If there is any ambiguity in his writing, the audience will not be convinced and will get confused with several points of view.
  • Evidence: evidence here refers to a writer's own experiences or academic shreds of evidence to back up the various sites and perspectives given by him to his readers.

Types Of Expository Essay

In general, we can divide expository essays into five categories; they are as follows:

  1. Problem & Solution: this kind of expository essay is one of the most common types that involves identifying an issue, discussing it and giving some probable solutions to it. For example, in the case of a pollution essay. After explaining the problem of pollution we go on to discuss the present scenario and then conclude by giving some solutions to help reduce it.
  2. Cause & Effect: this kind of essays generally include two aspects of what happened and what impact did it have? It may concern environmental issues or ask for opinions regarding a problem. The outcomes can be general definitive truths, or it can also include assumptions.
  3. Compare and Contrast: this kind of writings involves two significant aspects: a comparison that establishes the similarities between two or more contents and contrasts that work on the differences of the same. For instance, if someone is writing a piece on whether children should play outdoor or indoor games, then it will fall under this category.
  4. Definitions and Classifications: this kind of writing is the kind that you are reading at present. Thus, it involves providing definitions and explanations about a particular subject ( here, in this case, it is expository essays). It also includes the classification of the same.
  5. Process: the last kind of expository essay involves how to type, which means these kinds of essays tells one about a particular task and how to complete it. For example: consider writing an essay about a recipe or making any dish. Here first, you need to explain the process and then tell your readers how to go about it.

Steps Of Writing A Expository Essay

Writing an expository essay involves allowing the writer to explain about any particular topic and think about how that particular topic impacts the readers. Thus, the most common way to write an expository essay is in the form of descriptive paragraphs; however, the format may change depending on the audience and selection of the various types.

Here are the following steps that one needs to follow to start an expository essay

  • Thinking About What One Wants To Write Or Selecting A Topic
  • Think of an Outline Map

Thinking About What One Wants To Write Or Selecting A Topic: the very first step before actually starting to write an expository essay is to honestly reflect on the situation that one wants to write about. An expository essay can involve using a lot of descriptions; hence if not assigned, one might choose challenging and exciting topics that can be elaborated without making it dull.

As a starting point, one might start by thinking about some mystery which would involve a lot of research work, but the end product will be great to read.

For example: if someone is very passionate about stamp collection one can write an essay on it including various insights as to what is it like to collect stamps, the history of old stamps etc. to make the essay engaging.

Here one should note that you want to pen down all the points before actually starting to write or essay because if one misses onto this, then one is just storytelling and not writing an expository essay.

Also, while choosing any particular topic, remember to consider the following points:

  • Your level of liking and interest in the subject.
  • Is it easy enough to search for the topic? Whether there is enough information about the topic or not.
  • Your ability to explain all the aspects of the subject intelligently to the readers.

Do your research: now that a topic is decided the most critical and essential part of creating the essay comes into the picture. Here, you start jotting down all the important points relating to your topic, which involves necessary research work. The research work is one of the most crucial aspects of an expository essay.

Choose your examples: your research may provide you with various information that you might want to cover in your essay; however, choosing the write points without elaborating much on the topic is another vital step. The easiest way to select your examples is to mix and match the most common ones under a single head along with some rare points.

Think of an Outline Map: An outline helps establish your writing's necessary details that one has planned to incorporate in their essay. If you plan an outline course before writing the essay, half of your work gets completed there. If you take some time out to arrange the points you wish to navigate through the piece, your work will have a more precise line of thought, and readers will also enjoy it more.

Think about the following details before writing like:

  • Where to give your first example regarding your thesis?
  • Where does your introduction end?
  • What points should come under the body?

Conclusion: if you can give a knock out conclusion at the end of your essay, your readers take home that one line from the entire piece. So one has to put extra effort into the concluding paragraph.

Expository Essay Writing Format

The format of an expository essay is not very much alien to the standard essay writing methods; however, it has a different writing approach.

The typical format of this kind of essay involves a five-paragraph essay involving an introduction, a conclusion along with three paragraphs of the body. The three paragraphs often consist of one subtopic each.

Once you complete all the points as mentioned earlier and are ready to start writing, you will have to incorporate the following features:

  • Introduction:  start your essay with an introduction like any other essay. You will also have to start your expository essay with an engaging introduction that contains both a hook and a thesis statement. Here, it would be best to portray your subject's fascinating aspects in the first paragraph to avail the higher chances of convincing your readers. On the other hand, the thesis statement refers to giving a small gist or summary of your whole article short beforehand to our readers, just like a film trailer. Remember giving a quick overview and do not let out too much information at the very start.
  • Body: The next thing is planning your body. This can be the most challenging part of your writing up as you need to explain the central theme of your essay for your readers. This part takes the most time to form as there will be many trials and errors here. Thus it requires plenty of your time and patience.
  • Conclusion: You should focus on bringing a tight end to your expository essay in the concluding paragraph. You should provide a summary of all the points you mentioned in the essay throughout, and include your last thoughts.

After all this, you are ready to submit your expository essay.

FAQ's On Expository Essay

Question 1.
How can one start an expository essay?

One should start their expository essay by a major catch for the audience to grab their attention. Thus start with a short yet informative introduction. Next, proceed with the five-paragraph main body containing all the findings and analysis. Last, conclude by summarising all the points.

Question 2.
What is the purpose of writing an expository essay?

The purpose of an expository essay is to explain a particular topic in a straightforward manner to the readers, and these essays present a practical analysis on a particular topic fairly based on facts.

Question 3.
Can one use the first-person narrative in an expository essay?

Since expository essays involve writing about a particular topic and not-self experiences; thus, it is suggested not to use first-person narratives in these kinds of essays. Instead, one can easily use "she, it her" and other third-person narratives.

Question 4.
How long can I make my expository essay?

Expository essays are often part of school curriculums and thus can come for exams, in that case, a five-paragraph essay of about 700 to 800 words is appropriate. However, one is usually given guidelines regarding the length of essays and has to work accordingly.

The post How to Write an Expository Essay | Types and Writing Format of an Expository Essay appeared first on A Plus Topper.

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