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Tuesday 15 September 2020

Running Tips for Beginners & Running Advice

  Propertrick       Tuesday 15 September 2020

Have you recently started running? Many people have taken up running in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and it is great to see so many people exercising regularly, but running can be tough, to begin with, and this can put people off or mean that they do not enjoy their runs. This is a shame because running is a superb form of exercise but also a great activity for getting out, enjoying being in nature, and for your mental health.

There are a few handy beginner's tips to be aware of which will help anyone new to running to improve their performance and enjoy their runs. Read on to find out more.

Set Goals

It is hard to motivate yourself to run when you are not working towards some kind of target which is why you need to find a goal. Many people start off working towards running 5K without stopping which is a good target and there are some popular programs which can help you to achieve this.

Don't Worry About Walking

People often get frustrated when they first start running because they cannot run a long-distance or time without stopping, but this is perfectly natural. There is nothing wrong with stopping and walking while you are running as a way to catch your breath before you run again and this is how you build up fitness. Over time, you will need to stop less and less and you will notice the quick progression when you are running regularly (3 times a week is ideal for building fitness).

Slow Down

One of the most common tips that you see advanced runners pass on to beginners is simply to slow their pace. This can make a huge difference to the length of time and distance that you are able to run without stopping and then as your fitness improves you will gradually be able to start running at a faster pace.

Track Runs With a Smartwatch

Being able to track different aspects of your running will help you to monitor your progress, develop, and improve. You can buy attractive Garmin watches for ladies can track things like steps taken, distance traveled, time, and even your heart rate so they are a great tool to have for running but also for general wear.

Invest in Good Running Shoes

Running can certainly take its toll and you need to have high-quality running shoes to protect yourself and for maximum comfort. Running in shoes not designed specifically for running could lead to all kinds of different issues and not just with your feet as it can also impact your ankles, knees, hips, and even your back so you should always buy quality running shoes and spend some time researching to find the best ones within your price range.

Running is a fantastic form of exercise and one which can bring many benefits to your life. It is also tough when you first start out and frustrating when you see people running much further than you, but these tips should help any beginner and allow you to quickly build up your fitness.


Recommending Reading:-

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  • Motivational Quotes from Athletes and Sportsmen to Help You Win a Losing Game

Running Tips for Beginners

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