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Monday 21 December 2020

Horoscope 21 Today December, 2020: Check Astrological Prediction for Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other signs

  Propertrick       Monday 21 December 2020

Today’s Horoscope 21 December, 2020: Astrological Predictions

Horoscope Today 21 December, 2020 – Daily Horoscope predictions (21 December 2020) are here to help you plan your day in advance and be prepared for all that is bound to come your way today. Each zodiac is differently affected by the positions of the stars and our team of astrological sciences expertly predicts these effects for you. You can check the horoscope today of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

December 21, is the 21st day of Month Agrahayana according to the Hindi calendar, the tithi Shukla paksha Trayodashi.

  • Sunrise- 06:06 AM
  • Sunset- 07:07 PM
  • Moonrise-   03:03 AM, December 22
  • Moonset- 05:05 PM, December 22

Let’s see what this Monday brings to you.

#1. ARIES Horoscope Today (21 March- 20 April)


You may be a little misunderstood today which can cause you to feel like you have been wronged. However, it is important for you to remember that this was in the past, and you should instead concentrate on forgiveness instead of revenge. This will also show your superiority to those who have wronged you.

Lucky Colorblue

#2. TAURUS Horoscope Today (21 April- 21 May)


You will find that Jupiter is here to teach you some lessons about expecting more from yourself at work. This will also allow for the fulfillment of your career ambitions without having anything become stagnant in terms of acquiring new skills.

Lucky Colorblack

#3. GEMINI Horoscope Today (22 May- 21 June)


You may be obsessed with the past, but deserve a pat on the back to show that you are in tune with your stars. You will find some unfinished business that can also include relationships. You will need to find it all tied up before you can start facing the future.

Lucky Colorpurple

#4. CANCER Horoscope Today (22 June- 22 July)


You may end up discovering how money makes your world go round, however it is also important to remember the value of truth. The truth is that if you will put your dreams into action, you will get your way in life. You might have to pay for someone else’s as well.

Lucky Colordark colors

#5. LEO Horoscope Today (23 July-23 August)


If you wish to air your sadness, then this is the right moment to do so. You will also find some planetary pressures for now, so the risk of your reaction going overboard is quite slim. You shouldn’t take anything for granted for now.

Lucky Colorred

#6. VIRGO Horoscope Today (24 August- 23 September)


You will be presented with the opportunities to improve your relationship with your children and other young ones in your family. You will make the best of this opportunity and find that a single kind word will save you from all troubles in the future.

Lucky Colorgrey

#7. LIBRA Horoscope Today (24 September- 23 October)


All the people who believed you to be too insecure will now be proved wrong as you start to change directions. Your most important quality for the next few weeks will be your belief in yourself so ensure you have enough faith in your talents.

Lucky Colorrose

#8. SCORPIO Horoscope Today (24 October- 22 November)


You will find yourself cursing yourself for choosing the wrong decision, but don’t lose your hope just yet. You will find an opportunity to change things in the near future. You will not let anyone down, so be a little more confident.

Lucky Colorsilver

#9. SAGITTARIUS Horoscope Today (23 November- 21 December)


You will find that everything in your life needs to be observed under a microscope for now. If you wish to give up on arrangements, then it is important to do so while taking the feelings of others into account. You will find that being doubtless will be beneficial.

Lucky Colorpurple

#10. CAPRICORN Horoscope Today (22 December-20 January)


You will need to learn to put your assets to a better use than to let your emotions cloud your vision for now. However, as Venus is in your horizon, you will be quite emotional. You will also respect your confidence and be able to hang onto a secret.

Lucky Colordull colors

#11. AQUARIUS Horoscope Today (21 January-19 February)


You will also be able to relax while appreciating your efforts in everything that you do. You may have to face a few awkward questions here and there, but this will give you the confidence to go towards your own position. There is nothing that you will gain from ignoring important facts.

Lucky Colorbrown

#12. PISCES Horoscope Today (20 February-20 March)


You will find today to be the perfect day for tying up your loose ends and making sure that tomorrow is great for making business work for you. You will get some social invitations, but should only accept them if you have time for them.

Lucky Color- sea green

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