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Saturday 12 September 2020

Strange Sea Creatures washed on the Beach are among the most expensive ones

  Propertrick       Saturday 12 September 2020

A family spotted some bizarre sea creatures that were washed on the shores of Caernarvon in North Wales, and initially thought were a piece of driftwood. On further inspection, they realized that there were thousands of tentacled sea creatures covering the driftwood. Martyn Green, one of the family members who witnessed this, shared footage on Facebook where these sea creatures could be seen coming out of their white shells. He described the view as ‘mesmerizing to watch’. On looking up the Internet to understand what those creatures were, Mr. Green and his son realized they were Goosenecked Barnacles. They found out that these creatures are the delicacies of Spain and Portugal and can be sold for 25 pounds at once. They are known as percebes in these locations. He mentioned that there were about 2000 of them and is one of the most expensive sea creatures one can buy. Estimating according to the data given by Martyn, these sea creatures could be worth a whopping 50,000 pounds. Another interesting fact about this scenario is that Green didn’t mention the exact location of his discovery to ensure nobody exploits these.

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